What is Sonic Ergonomics
Are you familiar with the situation in which you use a term as part of your personal vocabulary that you have collected over the years, and then one day, you ask yourself :” what does _____really mean?”
Let’s focus on the term ergonomics – I give you few minutes to explore multiple definitions, and then, get back to my article 😊.
You may be even more confused than before you’ve decided to go deeply into this term.
The reason is, that it’s multidisciplinary field. It has to do with physiology, psychology, productivity, safety and performance. And I would like to add an additional angel – it connects between wellness-health-wellbeing.
And I would add, it has to do with a soft mysterious inner energy called – drive / passion / motivation which is the power behind will power.
My definition for ERGONOMICS :
The tools / equipment that generate optimal wellness-health-wellbeing conditions, which enable employees, to manifest their best performance and talents to fulfil their roles and tasks in a productive, joyful and a safety way.
Wow, so much to unpack!
The reason why wellness@work is so crucial to be integrated into the ergonomic solutions is because, by the end of the day, features such as good air circulation, quality of food and water, room temperature, optimal physical space, eliminating noise and light pollution and generating inspiring spaces' design, are important for humans' physical, emotional, mental and spiritual harmony – even before focusing on man- machine interface.
Add to the formula of success – reduction of stress daily, body movement and taking a nap on demand.
Some of you may ask,” hey, are we here to spoil our employees? This is not a community gathering, they came here to work!”
And I say: - “wait! I haven’t finished yet”. Add enrichment and personal development training such as creativity, sports and supporting the community ,which are not necessarily directly essential specifically to one’s job.
If you think that by changing one’s chair or raising the table higher so that employees could stand and move continuously, while working on their computer, or by refreshing security regulations , you can "mark a v" and claim, that your company takes care of ergonomics in your company, that is a denial. The truth is that being motivated to perform the best at work, derives from engagement and trust in the integrity of company’s culture and values.
Ergonomics needs to be personalized to the wellbeing of each employee.
As some of you know, I’m a wellness expert and the owner of TheSoundWell. The reason why I started TheSoudnWell, was that as a meditation teacher and wellness life coach, I found that the technology is really amazing to balance inner systems and help reduce pain, stress, insomnia and anxiety in a soothing and effortless way. These are the 4 “negative siblings”, which drain our vitality, push us away from rational thinking and good decision making, damage effective communication, decrease attentiveness and weaken our immune system.
My vision is that companies will adopt our concept of SilentSoudnSpace to Recharge Vitality and Reduce Stress in Workplace.
Imagine extending lunch break for additional 23 more minutes and enabling individuals to lie on a mat, hug a pillow or get themselves into a sound bath bag?
After 23 minutes, their minds will be clearer, their bodies calmer and they will restart their activities with new fresh vitality, attentiveness and motivation to do their best.
Learn more about Sonic Ergonomic Equipment
Learn more about Wellness@work