How to dissolve a blue mood
Start with the rational detached observation:
Moods come and go just like clouds come and go
I should change my attention to positive activities
I don’t take it personally. I build up stories in my mind but the people that are connected to these stories do not resonate with the same vibrations. I manifest my intentions and let those that sense harmony, respond.
Change your physical surrounding and activities
Do walking meditation in the park. Watch the birds, flowers, and trees.
Do intuitive dancing with harmonic music
Eat healthy tasty delicious food
Sleep well
Massage yourself
Have sex with the one you love (or with yourself)
Breathe deeply and let go… 30 times.​
Emotional changes:
Watch funny or romantic movies
Talk with a funny person
Hug your pet
Play with children
Hug your loved ones
Spiritual changes
Watch inspiring videos
Go to a spiritual store – buy yourself some crystals
Exchange views with people you trust in the spiritual dimension
Mental activities
Write a journal of a new project
Read a new book in a new topic you are interested in
Do a creative project which will fill your heartmind with joy
Impact All dimensions – Vibroacoustic therapy​
Reduce mental, emotional, and physical stress and reduce pain, anxiety and insomnia.
Sink into deep serenity of self-hypnosis
Visualize yourself laughing, creative, happy, loving
Massage your body parts while sonic harmonic waves rinse you from within
Allow yourself to let go... reset-reboot-recharge
Sonic harmonic vibrations work in parallel on your mental, emotional and physical dimension. They minimize overwhelmed mind and enable wisdom of spirit dimension to pour in.
After 23 minutes, you would be surprising how the vibrations dissolved blue mood. Literally the vibrations changed the electrochemical in the content of your bodymindbrain. Together with intended positive approach, visualization and attitude, you pushed mind clouds away. After a session, your mind is clearer. Your body is calmer.
Drive life, enjoy your journey with a smile
Get on your vibroacoustic therapy sound-bath mat or blanket. Or hug your sonic harmonic panda or other pet. Stream a low sound frequency and feel ticklish sensation of cellular massage which vibrates every organ, tissue and cell.
Contact us to learn more of how to dissolve bad moods and dynamically balance inner systems.