Boosting the bond between:
Wellness-Health-Wellbeing, is not a slogan!
In our perception of wellness@work which is called:'' Wellness on Demand, Demand Wellness “, we define wellness as the physical, and social conditions that managers and owners, should provide to their members:
Echo friendly infrastructure such as clean air, water, sanitation and optimal physical environment for employees to work in their personal spaces. In addition, wellness includes esthetic design, ergonomic working areas’ equipment and tools, and healthy food. – These are all the parameters of Demand Wellness!
In a way, parents at homes, principals in schools, and managers in rehabs, should provide the above wellness conditions, and the members should demand them.
Wellness on Demand, are the inner conditions individuals should create in themselves. Two humans may face the same external conditions such as being stuck in traffic. One may sing and meditate, while the other may get frustrated, get angry, blow the horn and scream. How come two people perceive and react differently? – that has to do with their wellbeing attitude and approach.
You may say that we differ in our senses’ sensitivity and bio-psychological reactions, and that is true. That is why it is so important for each one of us to be proactive in managing our wellbeing.
We can learn and adopt self care ways to keep our inner beings healthy.
Our personal wellbeing habits and patterns of behavior, have to do with recognizing and being aware of our health challenges and adopting ways to cope better in extreme situations.
Pragmatically ask yourself: how can I sleep better? Do I move my body daily? Do I reduce mental, emotional and physical stress daily? Do I insert healthy food into my systems? Do I express my creativity?
Wellness on Demand, is taking the driver seat in creating and implementing inner tools to let in harmony, integrity and coherence, and let go of negativity, in people and places that do not resonate with us.
Harmony is openness to vibrations of people, places, plants and animals that help us feel happy, creative and evolving.
Integrity is walking the talk of being honest with values taking care of ourselves, communities and mother earth.
Coherence is being consistent in our perception, thoughts, emotions and actions.
Why I’ve created TheSoundWell Vibro-therapy
As a wellness expert, wellness life coach, energy healer, and meditation teacher, I came across several wellness tools, guided meditation, crystals and self-help books. Though these tools and modalities are wonderful, I realized that when people are overwhelmed, stressed and burned out, they don’t have the energy to be attentive and focused. That is the paradox – you need some energy to “pass the first gateway of silence, in order to sink into serenity”
Olav Skille – the inventor of the original Vibroacoustic therapy introduced me to his sonic ergonomic equipment and I was so amazed by the impact of the harmonic low sound frequencies on the mental, emotional and physical systems and how different frequencies help reducing stress and pain in different parts of the body and other frequencies, help reduce insomnia and anxiety in a soothing and effortless way.
The process:
You simply lie on a mat, or hug a pillow, or slip yourself under a sound bath weighted blanket, select a single low sound frequency from your mobile device app, and let go of deep tension. After 23 minutes, your body is calmer, your mind is clearer, and you are in a better mood to continue your daily activities.
After being my own self laboratory in trying the different frequencies for different conditions and personally trained by Skille, I have decided to start manufacturing our equipment based on his know-how and we offer his original low sound frequencies compositions in our systems.
Why I Shop at the Wellness Company Melaleuca.com
The perception that everything is connected was empowered with Covid 19.
We are all in the same “boat called earth” and a green eco friendly environment starts with treating our bodies and our homes.
It’s not only the ingredients in the food we eat, but paying attention to the components in our beauty, bath body and cleaning solutions.
After exploring different business cultures, a friend introduced me to Melaleuca, and I fell in love with this company.
Their messages are not the simple trendy, but their high standard of scientific based products while focusing on sustainability, natural based components, resonate with me.
They have an affiliate business model that grows with customer referrals.
You can simply switch out some of your brands that you buy at the local supermarket and try out the shopping club options available.
I have found items to be reasonably priced and trust their quality.
You can also earn a part time or full time income with their referral marketing program.
I am happy to share more information with you, and have attached a quick questionnaire for you to contact me.
Contact us to learn more of how to boost the bond between wellness-health-wellbeing
Be well