Innovation Incubator & Creativity lab @ work
Consultants and business coaches, talk about ways to improving performance @ Work. There are many theories of how to increase productivity.
Yet, some topics are “non-tangible by nature”. One of them is - how to generate activities and atmosphere to enable creativity & innovation at work.
Very often, you find R&D departments in large companies and startups. However, the market is huge with SMB(small- medium- businesses).
The question before creating an R&D center, is: what are the cultural pre-conditions of environment, atmosphere, teamwork, and activities, that support , innovation and creativity at work?
How about, changing the mindsets by creating an INNOVATION INCUBATOR & CREATIVITY LAB within a company? Company’s culture will positively facilitate a single employee, or a group, to re-invent, innovate, and express their authentic talents and manifest hidden fields of creativity.
What are the physical space and atmosphere to encourage creativity and innovation?
Dedicate one room/hall/space for multi-sensory tools to enable experiential mind stirring. (ask me about it)
Dedicate one room/hall/space for SilentSoundSpace where one calibrates his/her inner systems to reach a state of dynamic harmony, manifest insights and use imagination as the simulator of the mind.
What events at work can you initiate to encourage creativity and innovation?
Use imagination as the simulator of your mind (ask me about this )
What are the advantages of having II&C lab@work:
When a workplace creates a space for personal creativity – employees are happy and they generate motivation, trust, and loyalty with no efforts.
New products and solutions can emerge naturally, because employees really care for the growth, strength and business continuity of their workplace, and their personal creativity willingly, turn to be the assets of the company (if financially, they are part of the growth and respected and recognized for their contributions)
People will be motivated and passionate to solve problems, conflicts, and challenges because they like to be involved and they see the added value of a teamwork.