Snacks are between meals goodies to keep you energized & focused
Healthy ideas for snacks:
- vegetables
- fruits
- nuts and dried fruits
- special drinks

Whether you are an employee that commutes to your workplace every morning, or you own a business nearby, set few minutes of attentiveness to prepare your snack box for the day.
No, not your lunch, not a sandwich, but; - a snack box!
We are animals of habits. Observe the connections between your thoughts, emotions, sensations, memories, behavior, and actions. Become your own- “self-anthropologist.” That means; - be attentive to what drives you, what makes you excited? What makes you stressed, what makes you go to the refrigerator and grab a bear, or a chocolate or alternatively, potato chips? View your eating habits cycles. Check, when do you have your “official meals”?
What food gets into your mouth in between the main meals?
Does food serve as a compensation reaction to your frustrations, boredom, anger, conflicts, or absence of love?
If you find the connection, (only you can really monitor and see in real time, the connections between negative psychological /physiological situations and food as a compensation), write it down as conditioning of triggers and response of your bodymind to food and/or drinking. View how it repeats itself. When you realize this bodymind programming, breathe deeply and smile!
Decide to “work on – replacing the bad eating habit with a better habit.”
You snack box content, may help to: “positively fool your bodymind” by giving it what it wants/needs, with less harm.
In addition, healthy snacks, you will make you be less hungry in the main meals.
Don’t eat, as a routine! Eat because you are hungry, and do it with awareness. You don’t need to eat all what’s in the plate!
A snack box may include the following: raisins, nuts, pepper, cucumber, carrots, cauliflower, celery, apple, cinnamon sticks, and green tea bags. Attached to it a bottle of water.
Healthy snacks will keep you awakened and fresh in the afternoon – when you are already tired. It will keep you alert and sharp in your senses. It will give you vitality to be attentive to what you do.
Are you stuck in traffic ? Have an apple.
Are preparing a presentation? Take some raisins and nuts.
Healthy snacks together with water, green tea or cinnamon tea, are good to your belly and mind.
You feel like having an ice-cream?. How about having plain yogurt with raisins and blue berries inside?
At night, you can have a glass of wine, yet, how about a glass of seltzer with lemon and some black pepper. Become an explorer of what alternative ways may calm your obsessiveness. Be creative in your personal solutions.
Play tricks on your bodymind with your snack box and smile! Release negative conditioning. Be free, create new scenarios of behavior, and rewire your conditioning to gain better healthy lifestyle and well-being. There is no greater joy than being vital and light.