Is dinner the main meal? Even if so, make it light.
Are you vegetarian? Even if not, add as many vegetables as possible.
Start with a soup. Did you know that you can have 6 colors soups to choose from daily?

Even if you eat meat,chicken or fish add a mix of following grains and vegetables as your main or side dish:
Vegetables: broccoli, spinach,collard greens, dark green leafy lettuce, mustard greens, romaine lettuce
turnip greens, sweet potatoes, carrots, acorn squash, butternut squash, Hubbard squash, pumpkin
Dry beans and peas: tofu (bean curd made from soybeans), pinto beans, soy beans, chickpeas, black beans
black-eyed peas, kidney beans, lentils,lima beans (mature), quinoa, navy beans, split peas, potatoes, corn, green peas.
Other vegetables:zucchini, tomatoes, tomato juice,vegetable juice, cabbage, artichokes,asparagus
beets, eggplant, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, celery, cucumbers, green beans, green or red peppers, iceberg lettuce
mushrooms, onions, turnips

tips to eat well and not get heavy:
- Find a green-grocery store with variety of fresh vegetables. Visit it twice a week - just to enjoy the beauty, and buy what you need.
- Have a yummy soup daily.
- Drink mineral water or soda water with lemon.
- Have a large pot with cooked vegetables.
- Have a pot with brown grain - Rice or Quinoa, or any other.
- If you are having meat or chicken or fish, - have small piece.
- Don't eat bread, have flat bread with low calories, instead.
- Remember conscious eating ? Eat Lean, thin and light.... and you will be light!