Why eating BGS is a good thing, whether you are vegetarian or not?
1. You plan in advance the combination of vegetables in your salad.
2. The preparation is calming and relaxing.
3. It's good for your health.
4. After lunch you recharge energy and you have the power to continue your day.
Have 80% of the following in everyday salad. Why? because its easy, and yummy and healthy !
Are you ready ? Go to the fresh produce store and fill your refrigerator with the following:
-Apples, yes apples in the salad
-Feta cheese
-Boiled Eggs
-Olive oil

Enrich your salad:
- Tuna
- Artichoke
What is meditation?
In recent years, meditation became a mainstream modality option at work, to reduce stress and recharge vitality.
If you Google “meditation”, you come up with so many ways that use the term “meditation”. You may be confused, which one is good for you?
If you look into http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/meditation?s=t definitions, you get even more confused.
As a meditation teacher for over 25 years, I would like to describe MEDITATION- as process in bodymind (spirit), wherein, you perceive deep silence or emptiness, together with recharging vitality. Your whole being is in a state of love and attention, in the inner environment you create, while the streams of thoughts, emotions, memories, and imagination are passive and minimized.
Guided meditation can be a stage in the process of reaching meditation state of being, as described above.
Guided imagery or/and what is called “meditation music” may be very effective to reach relaxation. If you can train yourself, to embed and apply this relaxation mode, it is an important condition to reach meditative process.
What happens in a regular lunch break:
Hope you agree with me, that a lunch break, is a "space in time" in which, besides eating, you release the tension from the missions of ordinary work which usually include: talking over the phone, writing emails, meetings, writing a project, doing assignments in a teamwork and/or doing physical work. Literally – taking a break!
What most people do? They go with friends/colleagues to have lunch in a restaurant nearby, or eat lunch they brought from home, in the public space in their work-place. “You eat, while you chat small talk with friends /colleagues, you talk with your children/partner, or other people not necessarily, connected with work. Time just flows rapidly – and… back to work with a full belly :)”.
After lunch, most people are tired from the nonstop chatting they had, and they are fed-up. The second half of the day is usually, not as productive as the first one. People may seem as they are working hard… but, their performance is usually low… they are tired and not very focused.
Does this sound familiar...?
Is there another way that employees and business owners can be happy and benefit, lunch time and the aftermath of a lunch break?
WHAT IS LUNCH SALAD MEDITATION:- I just had it – awesome!
Pick up a:
Pepper, Lettuce, Cucumber, Tomato, Apple, Onion, Celery, Parsley, Feta cheese
Nuts, Cauliflower, Avocado, Carrots
Boiled egg (optional, made previously at home)
Tuna fish cane (optional)
Quinoa (optional, made previously at home)
Extra virgin Olive oil
add or remove vegetables/components as you like.
Rinse them. Observe them. Hold them and cut them in pieces.
Do it very slowly, with awareness.
Don’t talk.
Be minded to the inspiring salad process.
Feel the vitality in the vegetables as you cut them in small pieces and add them to a bowl.
Once you are done, after adding the extra virgin olive oil and squeezing in half a lemon,
Sit down.
Breathe deeply.
Appreciate the salad freshness that will energize your bodymind(spirit).
Eat slowly. Enjoy the taste of your salad.
Perceive slow chewing as the flavors of the mix in swallowed and slides inwards.
If you feel like talking, talk from a meditation state. - Conscious talking -
You don’t need to isolate yourself while you eat, yet, find the best environment that suits your meditation mode.
You bring yourself into peace & calmness.