Happy hour for LinkedIn @ WORK
As a social entrepreneur, startup owner and wellness consultant, I use LinkedIn as my main business development platform.
The beauty of Linkedin is its multiple ways, you can use i,t as an effective tool to leverage your business – small or big. You can expand your network connection for local marketing, international marketing, sales, business partners, recruiting new employees, R&D and get prepared to raise money. You can use Linkedin for business intelligence as well and navigate leads to your website.
In fact, every department in your company may benefit from expanding network connections in Linkedin.
What is your company’s policy toward LinkedIn?
Each and every employee can be trained to be your company’s ambassador in LinkedIn.
The art of effective activities in LinkedIn, is beyond one’s formal role.
Employees can help growth and business development with the right tools.
Imagine you set an happy hour for LinkedIn @work – the last hour of the day.
Employees will set a plan of what they want to achieve, and will go for it.
Invite me to give an online workshop or arrive to your company and tailor a hands on seminar, customized to your strategic business goals. Learn how to optimize the usage of LinkedIn as a mean to enhance growth.
Today in dynamic global uncertain economy, executives should be proactive, with innovative entrepreneur mindset.
Happy hour for LinkedIn @work will utilize LinkedIn usage ,to corporate’s channels interests.
Personal and business development.