look at mine:
No matter if you are an employee in a large corporation, or in a start-up, alternatively, if you own a small business or a huge enterprise,
Google your name, and check your personal web presence.
What you will find is, your Facebook page, your LinkedIn page and maybe, how your profile appears in your company's website.
That's not enough! What is the impression you got of your personal image /branding?
Imagine you are a recruiter that wants to decide :"go no go" about you. What is your conclusion?
The same as in a "blind date first impression", in one glance your potential clients,
partners, investors, may make a crucial decision about either continuing the
business dialogue with you, or find an alternative solution.
Are you pleased with your self image profile when you put yourself
in the place of those you want to impress?
I would like to suggest being proactive and aware in creating your personal
branding, your personal image and positioning over the web.
Expose and manifest your know-how , your talents, your vision and your
charismatic/attractive personality.
Self marketing technics starts with building a good personal website.
In today's economy, nothing is certain. Be alert to your web presence.
A positive & impressive personal web-profile is an added value advantage in
whatever you do, even if you are not in between jobs at the moment.
You may be a Professor at the University that wants to add external projects.
You may be a Physician in a hospital that wishes to open a private clinic.
You may be a teacher that wants to give private lessons after school or, you maybe looking for a new management position while you are still working.
You may have a small business such as pizza place or carpet cleaning company that want to standout and "show more" than your competitors.
If you were laid off , a personal website may profoundly raise your chances to find a new job.
I will help you position yourself as an expert in your field and together with being active in Linkedin, let the world know about who you really are - expose your personal unique proposition.
If you are a small business, THINK BIG. Expand your line of business, find new partners, sell abroad. If you are a consultant, THINK BIG, visualize giving lectures and having international clients and partners worldwide.
My name is Avigail i do holistic business development and personal development.
I am proud to be one of the first million member in Linkedin. - i guide how to use Linkedin as a personal and business development platform.
My know-how - many years of business development, international marketing, social entrepreneur, executive training and life coach.
In addition, I will develop a new personal website for your needs, by helping you think like an entrepreneur and innovator in your business, in personal field & in your actions. By exploring who you are, we will turn - data, information and knowledge into WISDOM and create a wining personal profile that describes your know-how, your talents, your passion and your uniqueness.
Are you innovative, creative, witty, flexible and have a sense of humor, yet serious and high quality person? - YES YOU ARE!
My Mantra is " play life seriously, expand your perception, remove "I can't" from your vocabulary.
Believe it or not, even if you are looking for a romantic partner, a good personal website, will raise your chances to impress her/him...
Welcome !

I am a business development consultant
My background - over 20 years of senior executive management positions experience in international marketing, business development and management training including business user interface management in a large internet company in Israel.
My expertise is web presence & business usability over the web.
I can help you expand your business,find B2B partners and find smart and effective ways for marketing through website development, public relations, social networks such as linkedin and web branding presence.