SilentSoundSpace - on the go & in you
What if we had a secret physical space with no distractions or noise? A place where you lay your bodymindspirit, harmonize, and balance your inner systems, and calibrate inner compass in you. A short period of a daily retreat will enable dynamic equilibrium, reduce stress, and recharge vitality. After a session, you would go back to your daily missions, energized but not stressed, attentive, tolerant and act from a positive attitude approach to the people around you and life in general.
Stress Here , There and Everywhere...
We all know that accumulated stress by itself may bring about impulsive "FFF"(fight, flight freeze) response, reduce attention, clouds perception, and generates bad decisions. Stress appears within physical, mental and emotional settings and should be reduced daily. Together with insomnia and anxiety, things may get out of control and lead to serious illnesses.
What do people do?
Some people meditate or do combination of meditation and yoga, or meditation and exercises. Many people adopt healthy lifestyle based on high quality nutrition to strengthen their immune system and cope with stress. And most people admit, adopting bad habits as ways to escape…
Life is challenging no doubts – even children in elementary schools, are faced with the “race in the maze culture” modern life impacts on us. In addition, endless triggers from our smartphones activate us to react… and more react… and brainwash our minds with brands or things “we must have”.
If you’ve tried various ways to reduce stress and still haven’t found the right fit for you, I’m not surprise. I encourage you not to feel bad about it. As a meditation teacher for over 20 years, I can tell you that most people don’t pass the first “gate of silence” in order to go to deep serenity and calmness which significantly and positively, affects BodyMindSpirit. If your goal is to reduce mental, physical and emotional stress, it’s not an easy task.
The reason – we are just too overwhelmed!
Chaotic and negative imaginative scenarios stream in our heads nonstop.
You may envy a person meditating on the beach … yet you don’t know that aside from his interface, deep inside, there is a storm of thoughts emotions, sensations, memories and imagination that cloud his being from within.
My pragmatic effective and easy solution everyone (children, men women and elderly people) should use:
SilentSoundSpace on the go and in you.
Let’s get to the beginning of this article:
“What if we had a secret physical space with no distractions or noise? A place where you lay your bodymindspirit, harmonizes and balances your inner systems, and calibrate inner compass in you. A short period of a daily retreat will enable dynamic equilibrium, reduce stress, and recharge vitality. After a session, you would go back to your daily missions, energized but not stressed, attentive, tolerant and act from a positive attitude to people around you and life in general.”
We can create such a space, easily. And the beauty of this – you can take along with you, on the go, and resonant its peaceful effects on you and to people around you for all day long.
What do you need?...... UnWindMe -Portable & personal Vibroacoustic Therapy MAT
UnWindMe Mat – lie on the harmonic low sound frequencies mat, choose a frequency…and... let go…
No efforts, no mantra, no focused mind, no music, no guided imagery… SilentSoundSpace.
The sensation is felt as if you are being hugged and rinsed from within. Serenity penetrates every organ tissue and cell. After 23 minutes, you are recharged with amazing beautiful harmonic energy. You absorb in and shine out. You smile and people smile back at you. That’s it.
Do it daily at home, on the go and at work.
SilentSoundSpace = serenity in you