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A space
A room, or a hall, in Silence.
Only you, on a Quantum Sonic Harmonic Inner Body Massage Equipment.
You stream a single low sound frequency to vibrate
every organ, tissue and cell.
You breathe deeply and let go..
You listen to your body as you feel the ticklish sensation of sonic waves rinsing you from within.
A sense of gentle immersive hug embraces you from within.
The soft vibrations harmonize your mental, emotional and physical sub-systems.
Reducing pain, stress, in insomnia and anxiety.
They enhance vitality & mind clarity.
Free yourself of negative & stressful scenarios that drain your energies,
and block positive attitude.
Boost your vivacity, sharp senses, and uplift positive life perspectives.

There is a problem... called stress
We don’t have any products to show here right now.

We are all stressed
Its physical, mental and emotional and we accumulate it daily, from external world and from the stories we tell ourselves.

We need to reduce stress daily
Stress has accumulate negative impact the way we think, behave, interact, make decisions and perceive reality. It also reduce our performance at work.

a just born baby's calmness: Imagine Inner body massage with harmonic low sound frequencies – gently rising and hugging me from within. No mantra… no imagery… no efforts – just selecting one frequency and … letting go

We are all stressed
Its physical, mental and emotional and we accumulate it daily, from external world and from the stories we tell ourselves.
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