Formation and creation, starts with imagination
After having a mediation session, or a Vibroacoustic therapy treatment, you may have minimized the streams of thoughts, emotions ,sensations, memories and imagination. That means that you have space in the desktop of your mind to utilize imagination as a simulator.
Visualize a table with long white tablecloth on it
In your imagination,place on the table how you envision your near future.
Where you live,
with whom,
how do you make a living,
your hobbies
good health.
Write your scenarios every day for the next week or two until you feel comfortable
happy with the scenarios you create.
In your subconscious, you will plant the seeds or foundation for you future. Your last version scenario, will also direct you in your web explorations.
Start writing in a non formal way in myvision1, myvision2, myvision3