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What change is shaking your ground right now?

Life is a constant chnage. Every moment you "click" your eyes, every breathe you take and each heart beat, change is here.

YET, when the rules of the game of your regular life seem to be revised, you need to pause before acting and observe the situation you are in.

Is it ....


1. love

2. health

3. work

4. parents

5. children

6. money

7. school

8. travel

9. home


12. entrprenurship

13. creativity

14. ____________



It doesn't matter if you initiated the change, or it came to you by surprise, you need to breathe deeply, and go into it 

as if you are  crossing a forest, with no map. 

Start describing to yourself what is the change you are going through. Go to subpage - change1 , or change2, or change3

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