The following framework is to enable you to explore, observe, examine, and evaluate content that may be beneficial for decision making.
By now you have a vision of the direction you want to lead yourself into. But this is not the 10 commandments that Moses brought from Mount Sinai. Things may change. Flexibility, sharp senses and fresh perception, sense of humor, should always be in your mind.
Open up a new page in a new document. Call it "EXPLORE"
Draw a circle and rays around it like the sun: The importance is the authentic, non-limited way to let out associating words, synonyms, related fields, that are important for you right now. Let out verbs, adjectives… anything that comes up. Take some days to look at your sun associative words to add more words. Once you feel you are done (you can always get back and add words), you can go to the next stage which I call – THE FUNNEL
THE FUNNEL is a long process in which you do the following;
google one word
Start reading about it in the website that come up. Copy and paste to the document you just started, significant paragraph/s. Don't forget to add the link to that article /website.
Go on and read more and more websites regarding that word. Again, copy and paste and add the paragraph that is relevant – below the previous one in sequence.
Are you tired? Are you are fed up with this word? Take a break...
Start a new page with a new word from your sun rays, do more of steps 1,2,3
As per your question – "how long this process takes?" – the answer – as long as you want it to take.
The more you zoom into something, the less you are attentive to other words /ideas / concepts that have a potential to help you out. How would you know? You develop your intuition in the process. If you find yourself passionate to explore one word. It is significant to you.
Something happens to you as you do the Funnel . You can realize which words attract your attention to go on examine and investigate various websites /contents, and which ones, you just pass on.
By the end of this process you may find yourself filling even a 100 pages of paragraphs about different words. It's a mess, but you don't need to show it to anybody. This is a back-office process.
A step before THE STRAINER:
Do you balance yourself daily? Do you keep your senses sharpened? Do you feel you can rely on your decision making?
Go back to MyVision pages – do you still feel good with the way your envisioned your future scenarios?
Its always good to fine tune it.
Look into different aspects of your life:
Dreams and hopes
Travel /pleasures
Do you visualize the picture of the above as you go over THE FUNNEL document? Are you ready to read and decide which paragraphs you leave in, and which you delete?
The previous step – intentionally or not, formed the rules for THE STRAINER. What will stay in… as significant data, information and knowledge for your decision making… and what will be … “gone with the wind".
THE STRAINER process is a very dynamic one. You read, and evaluate if there is an added value and decide – "keep it or delete it".
SUN-RAYS ASSOCIATIONS, FUNNEL, AND THE STRAINER can be done more then once. Again it depends on your time, attention and motivation.
By the end of the day, you want to form a new set of life rules and exit hectic period of not knowing what to expect next.
You DriveLife, not anybody else. You hold the flashlight to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Not anybody else.
Yes you need to: listen, consult , read, add , delete, change review, edit…
You are not isolated. There are people connected to you. Dependening on you…
Your happiness is influenced by others people’s life.
Still, after saying all the above,
You DriveLife.
Are you read to make up a plan?