best view & use
a computer

DriveLife is your backoffice
Assistant to help you make choices, big decisions , and execute them.
You pave the path, as you DriveLife forward.
There are many possibilities and opportunities out there.
There are many advisors, coaches, mentors, gurus, teachers, consultans out there.
There is wide range of diversified data, information and knowledge out there.
What will you do?
What is the right path for you?
Life is about
Either I initiate it or
I'm imposed to react.
One thing, is sure!
I need to make sure,
I can rely on my perception and my BodyMindSpirit inner-compass,
to make the right decisions for me.
The right decisions for me is a path of happiness, health, abundance, creativity and love.

Drivelife is set as a framework to define to yourself:
What changes need to be made.
What is your VISION of a solution.
How to explore and map web content and proffesional people's suggestions you go for advice. How to decide what is right for you, to enable you to perceive "the big picture" and also, "zoom in" the details.
How to create a plan - based on project management resources/limitations
How to observe your progress and pave your path directions.
Nobody can tell you how to "drive your life" but you.
In order to know where you are going, how to get there, have the resources and be happy in your journey, you need to attune your BodyMindSpirit subsystems in harmonic way, just like attuned orchestra.
Are you ready?
first make sure you are balanced....