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Wellness in Schools
Prettifying school's space - inner space and the surrounding, projects and resonate positive energies.
When you open the door of a physical place the first time, what is your first impression? Are you inspired and happy? or, do you feel heaviness and stuckness in the air?
The energy in your physical space consists of the vibrations of objects, people, plants, furniture and general design.
Over time , we all get used to the place we stay most of the day - at home, at work, in school and in community public places. We have blind-spots of perception and don't see/feel the mess of non harmonic /non balance energies. However, non harmonic energies impact us even if psychologically, we are not aware of them.
At least once a year it's worth creating a projects for students and teachers aiming to beautify school's spaces. It's worth asking students/teachers and visitors, of the ways they would improve "the look and feel" of your space. You will be surprised to realize how moods, good feeling, passion and motivation could result of a new design and new ways to prettify you space.
Here are some points to observe:
- have clean, empty spaces
- let natural light come in
- make sure there is good circulation of air
- is your dining room clean and fun to be in?
- how is your conference room - is it inviting and inspiring?
- classrooms design
- teachers meeting rooms design
- do you have a SilentSoudnSpace to recharge vitality and reduce stress?
- student's personal spaces?
- corridors
- external spaces
- locker rooms
-special rooms - labs, sport, kitchen
- add plants, harmonic furniture and inspiring pictures
Let us help you prettify and beautify your space:

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