Wellness in Schools
What was the first incubator we all experienced, no matter who we are, where we live, what is our gender, skin color, education, religion and culture?
Being in our mother’s womb.
A womb is nature’s incubator which enables protection and growth.
What if we take the incubator idea and implement it to schools?
In an incubator schools:
Children work in small groups which focus on exploring the motivation to learn certain fields. Learning modalities are based on discovery, experiential tools, personal creativity and inspiring content.
Teachers in an incubator schools learn together with children. They are humbled and collaborative. They do not keep distance because they belong to teachers' status. They are space facilitators for creating group and individual conditions of harmonic learning.
Teachers focus on personalized teaching that correlates with the variety of students’ levels, motivation, fields of interest and talents.
Children are protected and feel secured to be authentic and expose emotions. Yet negative emotions that bullying others are not accepted.
Competition as a mean of excellence is not used in a incubator school. The incentives for good learning come from appreciation, attention, respect, and value for a good job of independent and teamwork learning. Good learning is to manifest creativity, originality of thinking, seeing the big picture (zoom out), and going into details (zoom in).
Boundaries of behavior – no bullying or manipulation. Children will be put in a SilentSoudnSpace to rebalance and attune their inner systems and then will do a project for the community in school to get back to being social human being that respect and accept other's space .
More ideas for schools as incubators: