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TheSoundWell Vibro-therapy provides self-help wellness solutions and workshops.

We perceive any workplace as a living organism and view employees  (in  case of Truck companies – drivers) as the cells. Truck companies should invest in their drivers and make them company’s ambassadors on the road.


Wellness is a powerful tool to create loyality, engagement and a bond of trust between employees and a workplace. When motivation manifests naturally, there is a real win win between the two sides.



UnWindMe is a personal and portable low sound frequency mat

your driver can place on top of his/her bed in the sleeper.

s/he selects a single frequency and gets gentle inner body massage.


The process is very soothing, as the gentle waves rinse his / her body. S/he will sink into serenity and peace of body and mind.

After 23 minutes, s/he will recharge vitality and reduce stress.

S/he we get back to driving with clearer mind, sharpened senses, more energies and less pain or stress.


Learn more about our UnWindMe and
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