Optimize usage of vitality
Either you perceive and define yourself or your client as BodyMind or BodyMindSpirit, the truth is that we are complex beings with “spaghetti like” interrelations subsystems :
Internal mind subsystems: thoughts, emotions, sensations, memories, imagination, dreams and beliefs.
Internal body subsystems: blood, nervous, muscles, bones, heart, brain, respiratory, digestive, urine, reproduction, immune, lymphatic…and more…
And, the nonstop interactions between body and mind subsystems.
It is “spaghetti like" because we don’t really know in advance “what triggers what “ and make this outstanding compounded organism creation function in so many multi-processed ways .
What makes it work?
Vitality – or the energy of life.
We feel joyful and in good mood, sharped senses, and clarity of the mind when vitality is high: Enthusiasm, excitement, verve, vigor, vivacity – in the air
We feel down , drained, non-focused, and act from fff mode (fight/ flight /freeze) when vitality is low.
What is this vitality?
The synergy between healthy food, good air, clean water, love, inspiring people and places and manifesting creativity.. – That all!!
Vitality heals.
The art of dynamic balance is to digest and distribute vitality, in physical, mental, emotional and spiritual dimensions in a positive healthy way, like conducting harmonic concert in the organism oneness .
Let’s talk about the above…
Avigail – Wellness on Demand, Demand Wellness