5 Things to activate Wellness On Demand

Hello, do your drive life and enjoy the journey?
Hi, Wellness on Demand , Demand Wellness is not another slogan that resonates nicely.
As a holistic and integrative business and personal wellness entrepreneur, a therapist, workshop producer, writer and a healer, I bridge between the individual well-being – which I call WELLNESS ON DEMAND , and WELLNESS AT WORK, where I encourage leaders to generate high quality of conditions of wellness in their space for their employees. (beyond annual checkup and nutrition).
As a HUMAN BEING,manager, employee, or individual, a parent or a teacher, a student or and baby boomer, you are welcome to explore our fresh perception about Wellness and learn if it resonates with your views:
Our vision derives from the following perception:
6P : We implement Preventive, Proactive, Personal, Positive, Persevering WELLNESS Paradigm
Wellness in any level, should include creativity (innovation) in addition to better nutrition, stress / fatigue/ insomnia reduction, and body movement.
We minimize the gap between therapeutic modalities and self-help tools and offer workshops and tools that may benefit both therapists and people who want to manage their own wellness-wellbeing.
We see a workplace as a living organism and employees are the cells. Owners and executives would benefit from viewing and implementing their workplace as an incubator that not only helps business’s growth but also individuals’ growth. This is a win win approach in which employees trust their workplace, are loyal and engaged to their workplace as a second home, because workplace's leaders create conscious culture of compassion and care to them and their families.
Contact us to provide your with ideas and tools of how to be the leaders of change by implementing Wellness on Demand- Demand Wellness at home, at work, in school, in health institutions and in the community
More links:
8 things to activate wellness at work
Wellness On Demand, Demand wellness
Vibroacoustic therapy – holistic and integrative wellness equipment (mats and pillows ) – reduce pain, stress, insomnia and anxiety and boost vitality with harmonic low sound frequencies