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    Vibroacoustic Therapy Solutions

We collaborate with  equipment  providers and offer you  what you really need to apply a SilentSoundSpace at home, in your workplace and in your community


We offer you the best whole VAT solution:

  • hardware equipment that suits your needs and budget
  • frequencies that suit your business or personal needs
  • training   


vat equipment to reduce pain,stress, isnomnia and anxiety

Vibroacoustic Therapy Solutions

Over more than 30 years of applied research,academic research and  direct feedback from clients  and   summarized descriptions of effective treatment written by therapists, has led Olav Skille together with other pioneers in VAT to find compatibility between certain frequencies and the following :

  1. stress
  2. pain
  3. Insomnia
  4. anxiety
  5. assistance recovery tool after surgery, injury, stroke
  6. increase quality of life to people with chronic diseases and disabilities
  7. balance mental and physical systems
  8. boost vitality and mind clarity

Who are you?

-If you are a therapist and you consider adding VAT to your exciting professional expertise, you are welcome to buy the whole frequency set and hardware ( such as bed, mattress  pillow, lounge) for transmission of vibrations and start feeling the frequencies on yourself.

You cannot use it for treatment before you are fully familiar with the volume settings (That is: You have to try the frequencies on yourself! and get trained).

You can use it as a tool to reduce the symptoms that are mentioned above.

-People with chronic disease, should first be introduced to VAT by therapists and /or family member. They should learn how to personalize the treatment for best results.

-If you purchase a VAT system for business stress management and energy robust for employees , you should have the following parameters to take into consideration:

-SilentSoundSpace. (Separate from other activities)

-Agree with employees for conditions to use VAT during working hours

-Good information on how and for which symptoms to use VAT

-A seminar for adopting VAT as part of body & mind maintenance

-What system /systems will be purchased (Chair or bed ?)

If you are a family member, we advice The Family Maintenance Kit. Its a kit of frequencies that include treatment for headache, back ache, insomnia and stress . Consider it as part of First Aid Kit at home.

Please note that VAT is a wellness platform and does not replace seeing your medical doctor even if you feel well  after using it- and you will! 

The idea is that you can reduce these symptoms without taking drugs.  VAT is a Poison free treatment with no harmful side effects. low Sound  Frequencies are natural solutions. Moreover, they can also have a preventive effect. Regular use may decrease troublesome symptoms that have reduced life quality and social life.

Family members should explore the effects of VAT in comfortable surrounding, preferably shielded from disturbing sense impressions. The vibrations will have positive effect of their physical and psychological welbeing. Integrating VAT into health maintenance at home may create better communication between family members and reduce stress at home.

The Components of VAT system:

1.Hardware (pillow, cushion, bed pad, mattress , chair , vest)

2.Frequencies (either on CD, USB or as a file in a computer)

3.Amplifier (can be bought or you can use a home amplifier) (NB careful with volume !! )

4.MP3, cd player, smartphone

5.Instructions / training

Some frequencies can be applied right away after reading the instructions carefully. Others can be applied after being introduced by therapists that give advice about personal adjustment. Therapists can learn how to use the basic frequencies effectively and the art of frequency mix for customized treatment by attending a 7 session course of 45 minutes over SKYPE . read more about the training or contact us for a free consultation.

We suggest the following way of purchase:


Consult us about your personalized needs for a VAT system and a SilentSoundSpace.

 We will take into consideration your needs and your resources to offer you the best solution.

VAT bed pad - low sound frequencies

Thank you for your interest in us.

This website is in a  development process...

you are welcome 

to contact us & send your feedback .


PTSD, Integrative medicine, Holistic Health, Preventive medicine, chronic diseases, disabilities, Sound Vibration, Low Sound Frequencies,
self management tools,
Performance, Obesity,
Sensory room,


VAT for pets,
Vibroacoustic therapy,

Avigail Berg Panitz
Olav Skille

         Harmonic Low Sound Frequencies

     Integrative Wellness Platform


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