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Our Solutions for Homes, Clinics ,Businesses & Education Centers

VIbroacvousticTherapy sytems include -harware equipment, frequencies and training. The following packages will make it eaisier for you to estimate the costs for a VAT solution you may need. We a great believers in personalized and client's focus requirements. We fully advice you to contact us and discuss you needs and budget.

Create a SilentSoundSpace at home and enable each member of your family, have a 23 minutes of attunement of mental and physical systems. Parents get back from work, children get back from school. Enable each one of you reduce pain, stress, insomnia and anxiety, boost vitality and mind clarity - with no chemicals involved. if one of your family members has a chronic disease or disability, VAT can profoundly increase their life quality. Click on the green button to view a possible  solution for you.

Are  you a MD, chiropractor, physical therapist, psycotherapist or alternative medicine practitioner? Vibroacoustic therapy can be applied as an independent therapy or be incorperated with your main modality and proffesional expertise. Click on the green button to view a possible  solution for you.

The beauty of VAT is that it can reduce stress and recharge vitality at the same time. If you are a Spa owner that wants to expand your business ,a business owner that wants to provide a wellness  preventive platform of stress management and improve performance, or an education institution that may find VAT  effective to reduce stress and anxiety, improve performance and create a tolerant environment, click on the green button to view a possible solution for you.

There is​ a variety of harware  VAT equipment - from a pillow, to a recliner and more.

Click on the green button to view a possible  solutions for you and CONTACT US TO LEARN MORE

Thank you for your interest in us.

This website is in a  development process...

you are welcome 

to contact us & send your feedback .


PTSD, Integrative medicine, Holistic Health, Preventive medicine, chronic diseases, disabilities, Sound Vibration, Low Sound Frequencies,
self management tools,
Performance, Obesity,
Sensory room,


VAT for pets,
Vibroacoustic therapy,

Avigail Berg Panitz
Olav Skille

         Harmonic Low Sound Frequencies

     Integrative Wellness Platform


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