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Creativity is an expressive way to manifest one's uniqueness   personality, talents and perception of life. The inner drive for creative expression may be conscious or unconscious.

Creative talents are embedded in all of us. Yet, many people's conditioned minds by parents, schools, networks, workplaces   and communities may have suppressed self confidence to reveal creativity.

Creativity may be used as a therapeutic modality and a way to activate inner joy and reduce frustrations and anger.



1. Happy Day for Creativity:


We  will produce an event with several creative spaces.

Each 60 minutes, group will move from one station to the other.

At the end of the day, there will be presentations of the creative pieces of work.



1. creative writing

2. painting

3. dancing

4. cooking

5. planting

6. theater


2. Lecture:  You are a Writer !!


Experiential& inspiring lecture of using  imaginary &  visualization to write poems and short stories.

Making Paper Craft Art
Writing on a Notebook
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