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Wellness @work : A new corporate culture and brand identity profile

Your employees, clients and partners will harmonically, resonant with wellness@work as a highly corporate culture value.

Add personal creativity and self -help tools to reduce stress, recharge vitality, and generate positive attitude, motivation trust and loyalty.

By implementing high quality of wellness@,work, your employees together with partners and clients will become your advocates and company’s ambassadors. This is more a cost/effective way, than the money you spend on advertising to convince that your products, solutions and services are great.

Here are 8 principles of wellness you should adopt:

1. Add positive conditions and atmosphere to manifest personal creativity and self-expressions.

2. Provide self-help tools to reduce stress and recharge vitality.

3. Create a SilentSoundSpace to attune inner bodymind systems and activate clear mind and sharp senses.

4. Have spaces for inspiration, innovation and multidisciplinary dialogues to solve problems and find solutions to complex questions.

5. Children of employees are welcomed in your company. Have a space of activities for them.

6. Create an incubator for future products, services, and solutions within the company.

7. Be involved in the community. Volunteer and sponsor social and cultural events, Be open and inviting to disabled and baby boomers.

8. Give attention, appreciation, respect, care, empathy, value, recognition, gratitude, thankfulness and love to employees, partners, clients and prospects.

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