Create a new habit in your company’s culture: initiate workshops and run them at least once a week.
Mix people from a variety of departments
Mix people from different levels
Enable new creative ways of communication
Create uplifting environment for trust, loyalety, engagement that will produce vitality, passion and motivation at work - naturally.

when our heart breaks,it needs time, harmony and self help tools to heal. This is a great opportunity to find our inner home in our heart. this is a workshop or one on one coaching.

almost every project has to do with teamwork. A team needs to work in harmony and ,multidisciplinary dialogue to succeed.

light candles, feel the energies, manifest your creativity and intuition.

couples should invest in their togetherness to refresh their attraction, love and care. this can be an amazing weekend.

Meditation is a state of harmony and coherence in bodymind in which one can observe and attune inner mental, emotional and physical resources and general dynamic balance to reach better performance, health and well-being.

We are all facing periods of change. Either we initiate them or they strike us by surprise. We need to re-evaluate the rules of the game, learn where we stand and decide in which path to continue. We can use the web as our knowledge base and road-map generator.

There are reasons why wellness@work very often, does not work. – You need employees’ engagement, and involvement. In your program, add personal creativity and self-help tools, to attract passion and motivation encourage participating in preventive health, wellness and well-being.

Why do we face so many challenges in having effective communication? Is it because we forget we don’t hold the truth in our pocket? Let’s learn a platform to dialogue and listen to one another? Let’s observe our reality perception in the process.

What is your company’s policy towards personal profile of your employees in Linkedin? You can be proactive and positive in the way you suggest personal profile in Linkedin and even go further and let them expand company’s network in a happy hour time, daily. Let’s make a plan to grow your business with Linkedin.

In each one of us, there is a hidden creator who is waiting for the right moment to express him/herself. If we do not, something in our life is missing and unbalance. Let us give our employees the right environment to manifest their creativity and innovative capacity. They will be joyful in their workplace and will be motivated to improve their performance because they will feel more at home.

Do you have a feeling you are not making the most of Linkedin? Most people don’t. You may have thousands of people in their LinkedIn network, so what? What do you do with them? Let’s explore how to use Linkedin as a business development platform to achieve business growth

Many topics may enrich your employees and expand their know-how and curiosity. Some have to do with complement fields of interest, other are just for fun. We offer a variety of subjects you may find interesting.